In 2004 I got my MA in Philosophy, and in 2006 my MSc in Cognitive Science (cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. During 2006 I was a visiting researcher at the NCC lab at Princeton University.

On April 12 2011 I defended my dissertation and received my PhD (cum laude) at Leiden University.

During 2011-2013 I was a post-doctoral fellow in Psychological Sciences at Stanford University working in Sam McClure's Decision Neuroscience Lab.

Currently I am a Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, as a member of the Center for Adaptive Rationality (ARC).

My research focuses on the neural underpinnings of reward-based learning and (social) decision-making across development. 

I am also involved in the interdisciplinary research project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation: "Social Interaction: the interplay between pre-reflective and reflective processes"  

As part of this project we recently wrote a paper "Towards an integrative account of social cognition.." for a special topic in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience.

Member of the The Behavior Change Research Network (BCRN): a new interdisciplinary group composed of faculty and postdoctoral scholars from business, economics, psychology, and public health. This group has the goal to develop an approach to the study of important issues related to behavior change (e.g., health and behavior, emotion regulation, decision-making) across the life-span.